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slice0's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by slice0

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4074807 slice0

just noting that the way these flying foxes render is way too deep, they are just pieces of wire like electric cables. they stand out way too much at 3km render distance.

closed 3845054 Pakenhamin

navigator is not giving instruction to turn onto z expressway on ramp when writing through this area

closed 4073808 slice0

it would be good to get this love heart to display on the renderer. its just a love heart that the council mowed into the grass.

closed 4065365 slice0

is this level crossing still active and used? the crossing could get tagged as a disused feature as well

closed 4068715 slice0

bridge or tunnel?

open 4051440 slice0

when travelling south towards adelaide, and having a route planned the GPS says to turn right at this junction. it has been happening since the destination relations were done 3 months ago. the gps used to just ignore this junction exactly like the OSM routers do but it doesnt anymore.

closed 4035596 slice0

not sure if these 2 unmarked crossings across sturt street belong here, I would remove them but just wanted to get a second opinion first

closed 3272929 slice0

there are a bunch of untagged lines here that I am pretty sure should labelled as "Aircraft Parking Position" only because this is a international airport I am not confident enough to fix these errors myself hoping someone with general airport knowledge see this and can take a look

closed 2999177 slice0

there is a new intersection here with a new suburb being built off of legoe road, imagery it to old and not showing however... the roads are on data sa but I dont know how to import from there, I have done my best to add the signal where they are and the left turn lane to angle vale road.

closed 2670669 CloCkWeRX

What brand/name is this supermarket?

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