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Bryce C Nesbitt's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Bryce C Nesbitt

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 324251 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

closed 324554 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

closed 324403 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

closed 322872 Bryce C Nesbitt

If you can visit this amenity=bicycle_repair_station, could you help to position this node? It is too small to show up on an air photo. Thanks!

closed 329260 Bryce C Nesbitt

According to a vendor database there is a bicycle repair stand nearby. See and for the non-UK import see . For the UK this import is made via notes only.

closed 324410 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

closed 322871 Bryce C Nesbitt

If you can visit this amenity=bicycle_repair_station, could you help to position this node? It is too small to show up on an air photo. Thanks!

closed 326704 Bryce C Nesbitt

Are you in the area, could you resurvey this? This bicycle tool stand was added from a press release or smartphone GPS and is almost certainly nearby but not quite in the right place. Thanks!

closed 324415 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

closed 324418 Bryce C Nesbitt

Location built from press release, might not be 100% accurate. Would you be willing to have look and move the pin?

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