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Cartographer1973's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Cartographer1973

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4042690

Not a business. A home. Update the shape to fit the house shape, including the back side of the property, which is the pool house.


closed 3683466 Natehamilton62

This house's address is "19 County Road 240, Valley View, TX 76272" per the 911 local addressing.

closed 1932304 Happy Hobo

"There are markers, but they are many meters east of this spot."
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Continental Divide
POI types: place-hamlet
OSM data version: 2019-08-30T18:41:13Z

closed 1200702 RichRico

This OSM note is added as per the user feedback from Mapbox:
Is this where “University Center of Southern Oklahoma” is located? Can someone please confirm the same?
Thank you.

closed 3365352 Cartographer1973

Duchess Drive - New street under construction (Fall 2022)

closed 1296863 florinbadita_telenav

Possible typo. Is either 'Navaho Trl' or 'Navajo Ln' spelled wrong?

closed 1161776 florinbadita_telenav

NArajo Lane or Navaho Trail ?

closed 3369792 Cartographer1973

It is no longer possible for traffic on the I-35E Frontage Road to cross US-77 Dallas Drive. Traffic on the I-35E Frontage Road must turn left onto northbound US-77 Dallas Drive. Additionally, the flashing warning signal lights have been removed.

closed 3365362 Cartographer1973

New streets under construction (Fall 2022)

open 3367360 Cartographer1973

Fall 2022: Frontage roads are being constructed and new bridges being built on I-35 over the Trinity River. The curve in I-35 is being replaced by one with a larger radius (more gentle curve). To accommodate these upgrades, the whole freeway system appears to be shifting to the west. This map will need to be updated as these changes are completed.

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