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Mapper since:
January 17, 2014
Last map edit:
April 02, 2024

I’m a Linux geek since early 2007 and I fully support the philosophy behind F\OSS. I find it exciting to watch all the amazing developments that take place in the F\OSS world.

I’m also a devout Pastafarian.

I joined OpenStreetMap because of my frustrations in getting Google to fix the maps for my area – a lot of points where out of place, a few were for places that didn’t exist anywhere near me, and Google would either refuse to fix it or would fix it and move a bunch of other stuff out of place. I felt like I was pulling cyber-teeth! I just wanted to be able to use a map that was actually accurate.

After I got started with OSM, I saw the value in having freely-sourced map data available to the world. That’s why I’m still here and adding to the map :-)