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JJIglesias's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by JJIglesias

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Update: Who maps every day (without fail)?

Nice 1828 and counting, I will try to keep the pace; However I would like to see this list in comparison with average daily Changesets per mapper. Some of this Streaks seems to be based in editing bots and not real actual mapping.

Who maps every day (without fail)?

Could you please try to update the list, as soon as practicable?

MappingChallenge - Week 54 of 100

Nice, where you can see the all the consecutive days that you (or any mapper) have been mapping until the last interruption?

MappingChallenge - Week 54 of 100

Nice, where you can see the all the consecutive days that you (or ant mapper) have been mapping until the last interruption?

The Status of OSM Analytics and Alternative Tools

The Status of OSM Analytics and Alternative Tools

OSM-Analytics allow to stablish the metrics for several items not only in my Country Bolivia (As a whole, For Department’s (states) and even at a local level. Also allows to stablish the contribution of mappers in such items. We have been collecting statistics for all those items in the last 3 years.

We try ohsome and is by far more complex to use and also quite incomplete in comparison with OSM-Analytics.

We also used the service to collect and compare our metrics with the whole Latam metrics and share the data into the community, so users are more aware of how they are doing in each country whatsoever they use OSM-Analytics or not.

We agree that HOT has been running Analytics for several, but also is TRUE that in the last 2 years the service has been working erratically and several times do not worked at all. That is a Shame by the way…

The 20% drop in new contributors (preliminary analysis)

I may be wrong, but the problem is not the lowering in the numbers of new mappers, but the retention rate of existing mappers. #youthmappers produce “peaks” of “new contributors” for short periods, but they flew away, basically becuase they are doing some “homework” at their Universities, but do not get hooked by the OSM idea. This needs to be considered as well.

Driving Change through Data: Exploring Humanitarian Mapping Research and Analysis Initiatives

There are less (minor or one time) contributors, but more power mappers. The ones who contribute over millions (not importing data) but actually editing. These power mappers plus the coorporate editions and corrections. Are the ones who keep the data base growing. But tradicionally has been despreciated by the communities and OSMF. Because “collectivity” (even with few to none contribution) is seem as “cool and modern”, agaisnt “individuality and comminment, that is seems as” “sellfish and un-cool”. If there were no such power mappers around the world some areas and countries will be pretty much in the same fashion that they were 6 or 7 years ago, including my country #Bolivia

Re-dibujando y mejorando 90 km de autopista, a mano, desde cero, en JOSM

Excelente trabajo y mejor explicacion, felicitaciones desde #Bolivia

Who maps every day (without fail)?

1346 days, not bad for me. Thanks for the data

And relax...

Well, thanks for your insights in your diary, like you I started mapping in 2016, but in the last 4 years I have been mapping for 365/366 days each year, and I do not see other obstacle than contributing when you are away from your computer (OSMAND has been my on the go tool).

As you, I do not encourage people to map everyday of a year, but to make meaningfull edits. There are millions of changes needed either in small or big areas. Jumping to another country, could be a good option, for places like Europe or USA that are well mapped, then start mapping were there are to many black spots.

After crossing 7.5 millions changes to the map recently, my goal is to have more spare time to keep mapping as much as I could.

Be safe and Keep Mapping

Follow up to "Potential Improvements" for the HOT process.

Hi Mario. Your report is quite clear however they may be people who do not liked what you said. I am against that Hot and other project “requester” start ANY mapping project without the local community approval and consensus. Two of the projects in my country were bad outlined, unconsulted, and produce more bad that good in the area mapped, and require extensive re-doing. As well both projects become “orphans” and nobody care about, and there are still active in the Tasking Manager, without any reason.

Enriching the map of Peru with health centers data

Lindo Trabajo, infelizmente en #Bolivia la data Open provista por el Ministerio de Salud es inservible pues por razones desconocidas esta totalmente erronea su georeferenciacion.

Felicitaciones en todo caso por un trabajo bien hecho

Bike to capture 360 photos for Mapillary

I tryed the same with a cellphone and a Virb Ultra 30, in a Buggy at the highlands of Bolivia and was very dissapointing. The vibration makes dozens of pictures useless plus the fact that the GeoTagging either in cellphones and the Virb is not good at all, Perhaps a degradation in the GPS signal… But Nice Rig. Greetings from Bolivia

Worlds largest city that cannot be reached by road

In the middle of nowhere, just by boat or plane. Big portions of the north of Bolivia are similar in the rain season, no access possible by road, just plane or boat.

Nice Cach