
JamesKingdom's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by JamesKingdom

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My life as a Board member

Sounds like lots is being done! What happened with OSM and the bank?

Quick question about OSM and Discord

Yes, that would be much easier than multiple discords.

Quick question about OSM and Discord

Wouldn’t it be better to just have one discord, with multiple channels?

Quick question about OSM and Discord

I was thinking that this would be a better idea than mattermost, as it comes with text + voice, but I’m not sure how happy people will be using an external service.

bus stops

I would also like a more simple tag. Somebody has come to the area near me using OSMI and created duplicate nodes with public_transport=stop_position, and just dragged it to the nearest big road, even though most of these are wrong.

Pokemon GO cleanup continues.

Just fixed two more by searching for “pokemon”