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Jinoytommanjaly's Diary

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Magical world of mapping through OpenStreetMap and Wikidata

The possibilities for integration between these two platforms are incredibly vast, and I genuinely feel as if I had progressed quite a lot in the understanding and contributions I make

Date: May 20, 2024

I started my morning by getting familiar once again with OSM. I invested time in updating and linking the wards in Kerala with Wikidata. I noticed that there was some wards in OSM that are not linked to Wikidata and some issues with the names and ward numbers. Using Sparql query I downloaded the Qids from Wikidata and using QGIS I downloaded the OSM relations ids. Then using OpenRefine I cleaned up the data and matched the OSM and Wikidata entries. Using JOSM, I added the Qids to OSM relations.