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Johannes M's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Johannes M

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4099611 thopass

Unable to answer "What barriers are used at this railway crossing?" for via StreetComplete 56.0:

Ich sehe hier keinen Bahnübergang

closed 4099613 thopass

Unable to answer "What barriers are used at this railway crossing?" for via StreetComplete 56.0:

Ich sehe hier keinen Bahnübetgang

closed 3956252 Johannes M

Walls removed? Building/industrial built?

closed 465588 fkv

Ausdehnung des Kaspermichelwaldes stimmt nicht, das ist noch eine Altlast vom Wie es richtig ist, weiß ich selber nicht, aber Basemap und Amap zeigen ihn weiter westlich, und da sieht es so aus, als reichte er im Norden weitestens bis zum Schustergraben.

closed 1833004 Johannes M

Is maxspeed=40 realy applied on the whole street. The 40 km street signs are placed in front of two dangerous curves. Do they not end at the end of the curve?

closed 2192585

Is there a reason why this tertirary road only connects residential roads? In my understanding tertiary roads should connect at least to other tertirary roads or a secondary/primary road. I would rather use unclassified and will use the same tag for the road segment to White River. In my opinion residential roads for such a distance seems to be an understatement. I kindly recommend to use tags more structural to provide a better overview on the map.

closed 1470488

Part of the beekeeping activities actually take place a bit further south as marked now

closed 1807311 Johannes M

Sind das hier Wasserbecken oder wie sollen die Linien ohne Attribute interpretiert werden?

closed 1791180

Bahnhof heißt Miesenbach-Waidmannsfeld

closed 76953 Michael H Fischer


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