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Kalaallit Nunaat's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Kalaallit Nunaat

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2709394 Karmicatosaurus

Pas de giratoire ici.

closed 3887386 Kalaallit Nunaat

"N'existe plus le 13 septembre 2023"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2023-08-14T02:00:17Z
POI name: La Cantine des anges
POI types: cuisine-french amenity-restaurant
#organicmaps android

open 2624990 BaboucheVerte

manque route forestière

closed 3872432 Kalaallit Nunaat

"poubelle pour pique nique"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-waste_basket

open 3956245 Kalaallit Nunaat

"Façade de maison en bois, attraction touristique"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-09-20T00:34:57Z
POI name: Maison à Pants de Bois
POI types: tourism-attraction
#organicmaps android

open 3956198 Kalaallit Nunaat

"accrochée au mur de la gare"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-09-20T00:34:57Z
POI name: A1S3B5
POI types: amenity-post_box
#organicmaps android

open 3956191 Kalaallit Nunaat

"verre, emballages métal carton plastique papier"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-09-20T00:34:57Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-recycling-container
#organicmaps android

closed 3874080 Kalaallit Nunaat

"pompe fixe pour les vélos"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-bicycle_repair_station

closed 3873939 Kalaallit Nunaat

"en bois 3 places et dossier"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-07-10T17:38:00Z
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-bench

closed 3791932 kylleryo

Unable to answer "Are these opening hours still correct?" for via StreetComplete 53.3:

Le bureau d'info touristique ne se situe pas ici.

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