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Mloni's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Mloni

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 887297 Rainero

Hier gibt's den Oertelplatz. Die Skizze im Bebauungsplan ist nicht sehr aufschlußreich. Sollte vor Ort geprüft werden.

closed 1658699 qxj4155

Here is a Speachtherapy doctor called Sprachtherapie Glück just opened. Their website is:

closed 1643608 xapio GmbH

xapio GmbH

closed 1590230 AdFonline

"We are an open circle of Christian students and young people.
There are free drinks and snacks."
POI name: Lighthouse - Bibel. Musik. Feierabend.
POI types: amenity-place_of_worship
OSM data version: 2018-08-04T14:22:01Z

closed 1579090

sonoris causa e.V.

closed 1581182 Timo Bierbaum Photography

Timo Bierbaum Photography - Studio B²

closed 1574059 reibnumi

"Straßennahme korrigiert"
POI name: Passauer Str. 120a, 81369 München
POI types: amenity-post_box
OSM data version: 2018-09-11T19:10:03Z

closed 1567145 Paavobave

fee=no is wrong. should be fee=yes

closed 1567198

cycleway from the corner Holsteiner/Einhorn to the South-West along the Einhorn to the already marker cycleway on the Einhorn, but this cycleway in in only on this side of the street and in one direction to the SW

closed 1545103

Deutsches, da fehlt das s am Ende.

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