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Steube's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Steube

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A Stranger at your Table

As a frequent reader of the OSM-blog I may remark, that – as far as I understand – Mr Alex Kemp tried to help solving an uncomfortable situation resulting of massive spam posts. The aim was to reduce the amount of spam attacks, so he contributed blog posts to improve the situation from his point of view. Mr Alex Kemp did that mostly in a fair and objective manner, delivering explanations and facts which led to conclusions and suggestions.

Sadly a couple of responses to that had no relation to the specific remarks of Mr Kemp, some of them were just superficial, not to say childish.

Up to today I understood the people (including me) working together to improve such a great and open-minded (!) project “OSM” as community-driven, by members of different meanings and approaches, but the same main object to follow: make OSM better. In this context I appeal to the involved persons to draw a breath and – after that – to review if there really is no clue on Mr Kemps statements to improve the (spam/ diary) situation.

A communities development is just progressing when considering Pro’s and Con’s, and with the ability to check if tried-and-tested processes can’t be seen or handled from another point of view – to optimize them eventually. As an important result the community should benefit from debates like this, when they are fair and supplemented by facts and arguments. Acting in an ossified and dismissive matter will not help in any way.

So please, dear admins and supporters, stay open for suggestions which could help to make OSM even better. We really do appreciate that and your work!

Mr Alex Kemp, please keep up your good work, your contributions should be appreciated. I appreciate it.