
Woazboat's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Woazboat

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OpenStreetMap NextGen Development Diary #2

I am fairly certain that mmd is aware of software development lifecycles and that his comments were intended as feedback and not as requests for assistance with troubleshooting.

OpenStreetMap NextGen Benchmark 1 of 4: Static and unauthenticated requests

in general the same algorithm would give similar performance across programming languages which are similar (e.g. interpreted vs interpreted)

That is not true. There can be massive differences in speed between programming languages even if they are all interpreted/compiled and the algorithm is exactly the same (which is not the case here, web frameworks are unlikely to be exactly identical and have different features, etc…).

Docker is also unlikely to introduce any significant performance overhead.

OpenStreetMap NextGen Benchmark 1 of 4: Static and unauthenticated requests

Could you please include some more information about how you set up the services and how these benchmarks can be reproduced by others?

For future benchmarks, information about resource utilization (CPU/memory) would also be useful, otherwise we’re only seeing half the story.

A faster response times for static pages is nice, but is ultimately only going to have a negligible impact. Some more benchmarks for actual OSM API calls with realistic data would be useful.

osm-revert: A faster and smarter way to revert changesets on OpenStreetMap

Ah, good to know

osm-revert: A faster and smarter way to revert changesets on OpenStreetMap

Overpass has a bit of update delay. It takes a while until new changes are propagated. That’s something worth keeping in mind when reverting very recent changes.