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dankarran's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by dankarran

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I'll be talking about OpenStreetMap integration into Wikimedia projects tomorrow at Wikimania

It'd be great to see a video of this afterward, if the sessions are being recorded.

Place not found.

The last update I can find is from last month - - noting that the index was being rebuilt, and would take another couple of weeks.

Aberdovey / Aberdyfi

That's a beautiful little place, I was there some years ago.

Regarding the data you want to add that overlaps the coast, I would suggest to add it in and move the coast around it, trying to keep the shape as best as possible. Coastlines aren't very accurate in many places, so if you're getting pretty consistent GPS results, you should probably trust that over the coastline that was imported.

how did you find this?

Many of the diary entries come up in Google search results too, so if someone is looking for certain things that have been written about on here, they should be able to find it that way.

(e.g. " - 4 hours ago")

Self intersecting relations

I was able to fix this up in Potlatch in the end

I've implemented RSS feeds for user edits

I see the changeset was taken back out into a branch for now, but it would be good to see this improvement get in after it's had some tweaks.

In terms of RSS readers that support GeoRSS, I'm not sure, but services such as Google Maps will allow that feed to be overlaid on their maps as a quick reference, and also feed aggregators such as Drupal's FeedAPI will pull out the geodata and allow it to be stored using the Location module.

Getting notified of local GPX uploads?

You could do something like that using Yahoo Pipes, filtering the GeoRSS feed of uploads by a bounding box, something like the following:

Nochmal was zum Straßenverzeichnis

Das ist toll. Gibt es auch die möglichkeit XML data (Straßennamen, ID, tags, etc.) zu bekommen?

OpenStreetMapping on an iPod Touch

@testing : (ignore this comment)
@testingagain: (ignore this comment)

OpenStreetMapping on an iPod Touch

Brian Schimmel: I think I'd rather keep the nice iPod interface :)

rorym: the Notes app actually comes with the Touch now as well, so I was just using it as it comes out of the box.

It would be great to have an OSM app/webapp for the iPhone/iPod that at least allowed the viewing of maps, but imagine if you could feed back even just simple textual/PoI updates from the field that automatically got uploaded next time you were within reach of wifi.