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diggernet's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by diggernet

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 355852 diggernet

This location is quite a mess of fictional TIGER roads. Someone local could help sort out reality.

open 22408 mappy123

this last part of the road is only open in summer. Anyone an idea how to map?

open 3574799 diggernet

"Chase is in this building, not across the parking lot"
OSM snapshot date: 2022-11-19T09:11:52Z
POI has no name
POI types: building

closed 2155780


closed 2093369

What’s wrong with the coastline of this and other islands in the vicinity?

closed 1536707

Bridge deleted by one of those "Amazon Logistics" people in ; it's clearly visible in Mapbox aerial imagery and should be checked.

closed 1888510

Travis Air force

closed 1727865

Why the fuck does it insist I use my location with GPS? Then when I do it says there's no ads? This app worked better before your dumb "fix" just like every other app. Shit works. Stop "fixing" shit

closed 269397

does this path exist? there's no bridge/path visible in the aerial imagery

closed 1661748 diggernet

As far as I can tell, it is Arneson Park, named after a local artist.

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