1. Even though the road is physically there it has been removed in the official road network, probably to discourage through traffic. Marking the road as "motor_vehicle: destination" to reflect that.

    Closed · #122771043
  2. Mark some dirt tracks as explicitly "motor_vehicle: no". They don't even appear as foot paths in official road data.

    Closed · #122759860
  3. Make sure various living streets in Hamang Terrasse / Hamangskogen that don't allow car traffic are marked as such. (One might make the case that they are actually walking streets or something, but they are actually drivable, so I don't know). Referenced

    Closed · #122756516
  4. Road has been completely removed in the official data (see https://vegkart.atlas.vegvesen.no/#kartlag:geodata/@234717,6637045,16 ), but actual signs on the spot seems to say "Gjennomkjøring forbudt" / destination traffic only.

    Closed · #122060044