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fralb's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by fralb

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1800370

TVMucho SL
Calle Eusebio Navarro, 29, 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas. Spain
P: +44 808 189 5248

closed 1244333 IvanHerCaz

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of "Instituto Orlando Falcón S.L.P."?" for via StreetComplete 3.2:

No parece que siga existiendo este lugar.

closed 1209310 IvanHerCaz

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 2.3:

El material es picón (lapilli).

closed 2023188 IvanHerCaz

Unable to answer "What sport is played here?" for via StreetComplete 15.0:

Aquí no se practica deporte. Es una plaza del interior del Campus del Obelisco de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

closed 1572595 IvanHerCaz

Unable to answer "What was this building constructed as?" for via StreetComplete 8.2:

No es un edificio. Su propósito es servir de escenario.

Attached photo(s):

closed 1336584

Cuartel General del Mando Aéreo de Canarias

closed 1235182 IvanHerCaz

Corregir los tipos de contenedor. Dos de ellos son contenedores generales/orgánicos y no están destinados a ninguna materia en especial.

closed 2112501

Academia de idiomas Covent College International

closed 1907095 Marion_Moseby

"highway pedestrian"
POI name: Plaza de la musica
POI types: place-square
OSM data version: 2019-07-27T07:02:33Z

closed 1235708 IvanHerCaz

Unable to answer "What is the house number of this building?" for via StreetComplete 3.2:

Mal mapeado. Revisar.

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