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mcld's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by mcld

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Mapping larger solar farms in England

Thanks Jez!

I’m afraid I’ll be on holiday at the time of the OSMUK AGM. I’d be happy to have a chat about related things by email or call if you think it worth it.

The REPD table has been a really useful guide for hunting. I’ve checked every entry in there >=12 MW. Not all were findable (in bing/digitalglobe), but there are many I was able to add, and many that others have added too.

How We Improve OpenStreetMap

Regarding this one: “Being able to know what is missing or what has changed in their neighborhoods/areas they map”:

Improving the “History” has always seemed like a missing piece of the puzzle. The “History” of edits on the main website interface is rather unhelpful since many systems (such as wheelmap) commit changes whose bounding box seems to cover the whole of the Earth - so when you look at the History, you’re not really able to focus on “changes that happened here”.

There was a project called OWL to make a new improved history view but it stalled.

Building an inclusive map - OSM and gender discussion

Thanks, yes - my reply implicitly acknowledged the sarcasm. Try following some of the links in Heather’s diary to find answers to your question!

Building an inclusive map - OSM and gender discussion

No, cray, but thanks for the thought :) Taking the thought seriously for a moment, that would work against minorities not in favour of them. Instead, let’s help with the Next Steps that Heather listed - especially number 3 :)

Building an inclusive map - OSM and gender discussion

Philippe, that’s lame. How about trying to be part of the solution?

Heather, thanks for these detailed notes.

RFC: wikidata->osm lookup table


So there’s Wikidata Property P402 which means “OSM relation” - and already this is a bit weird cos it’s only relations not nodes or ways. And there’s a Request for Deletion (RFD) being discussed to get rid of it. The debate over there is indeed a bit convoluted.

But if I understand you right @d1g, you’re saying that the Wikidata community might after all be interested in storing wkd->osm references, even though they’re not guaranteed stable?


Hi. Welcome to OpenStreetMap!

What shall we have for diner tonight?

Let’s not get rude.

In my original comment, when I said “Data users should know how to handle semicolons” I should rather have said “Tools for data users should know how to handle semicolons”. Just as those tools should handle the contortions of the opening_hours format etc!

What shall we have for diner tonight?

The word “blunt” doesn’t say much to me here I’m afraid. There is no consensus against semicolon-delimited lists (after much debate…), and Marc has illustrated how widespread they are in cuisine=*. I think it unlikely that anyone’s going to get the semicolons out of the map, and - although I won’t rehearse the arguments (many have blogged on the matter, on various sides!) - in my opinion that’s basically fine for the cuisine tag here.

What shall we have for diner tonight?

there are also 17849 occurrences of that key which appear only once, but every time with a different combination of values

This is not a problem. Data users should know how to handle semicolons for multiple entries, IF they are processing OSM tags for which the practice is common - as it is for cuisine. There’s no need to worry about the “illusory” explosion of single-occurrence tags.

Others have already pointed out that other things you mention, like “cuisine=italian;pizza”, are not problems. I’m getting the strong impression from this discussion that it’s all fine!

By the way, yes I do indeed sometimes use OSM (and no other service) to find somewhere to eat, and I do look at the cuisine=* tag as well as the diet:vegetarian=* tag. I don’t claim this is normal ;)

The OSM website now has a context menu (right-click menu)!

@Stalfur if you’re using Firefox, use SHIFT-click to get the “original” context menu back.

Happy Cow IDs

Warin61, thanks for your comment. I don’t believe there is a copyright breach here. If you think there is, could you be more specific please? This proposal does not involve copying content from the site. Which specific part of the terms of use do you believe would be violated?

Perhaps you could specify in what way this would be different to adding a website=* tag, in terms of licensing?

Making the switch from Wikimapia to OpenStreetMap

Jat this is such a heartwarming message. It’s really nice to be reminded of the good effects that OSM editing has. Welcome to OSM and I hope you enjoy the community!

Proposed mechanical edit: surface=woodchip to surface=woodchips

Hi - I’m not in favour of this.

  • BOTH woodchip and woodchips are very rarely used at present - less than 300 each - therefore it’s still early days and there are too few instances for it to be menaingful to say one is “more popular” than the other.
  • In English language, “woochip” is a mass noun. We never say “woodchips” in this context. I don’t know who decided to put “woodchips” on the wiki or if there was any official process, but I think the decision is foolish, because native English speakers will continue to use “woodchip” because to an English speaker it’s clearly the correct term.

So I would argue that the wiki entry should be changed. That’s not necessarily your responsibility Mateusz, but I would certainly say that your proposed mechanical edit would be unproductive. I promise that people will carry on using “woodchip” - because it’s the correct english term - until the key gets popular enough to have presets, which is some way in the future.

Initial activity and retention of first-time HOT contributors

Martin this is fantastic analysis, thanks!

One possibility, regarding the difference between Missing Maps and the other projects, is that the newcomers might be coming from different “constituencies” - i.e. the newcomers might be inherently different before they start. I know that all of the projects have benefited greatly from having people come in through their MSF / Red Cross / other NGO participation, but it was particularly true for MM, and maybe that affects the continued engagement levels you’re seeing. Just a thought.

#OpenBeerMap a 1 an !

Hi - hmmmm, in the UK an amenity=cafe is not a place to get beer…

Is it the moment for OpenStreetMap?

Another +1000 from me; this puts it very well.

(No Subject In Particular)

Woop Jalil!

First mapping. Higham, Lancs, UK

Burt - regarding that stream, the link takes you to a view where the object is “highlighted”, which means that it shows up in orange. Is that what you mean about the different view?

When you’re looking at that view, you should be able to click the usual “Edit” button in the top-left of the website and edit the way. If you have any problems reversing it then give us a shout, and let us know which editor you’re using (iD? JOSM?)

First mapping. Higham, Lancs, UK

Higham! I did a lot of Higham mapping! Thanks for adding more detail :)