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overflorian's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by overflorian

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GSoC 2024 – Panoramax integration

Hi Juicio. In the name of the whole Panoramax team: thank you! This is much needed 🤩🤩🤩

Also, our team remains at your disposal if you need anything from us. I’m sure you already discovered by yourself all our documentation, so if we can do anything else for you, please send us a message at


Replace of diplomatic=consulate_general by diplomatic=consulate with consulate=consulate_general

Hey, I made a formal proposal here:

Replace of diplomatic=consulate_general by diplomatic=consulate with consulate=consulate_general

I agree and I apologize for the inconvenience. This edit has been reverted and the discussion is carrying on on the tagging mailing-list.

Replace of diplomatic=consulate_general by diplomatic=consulate with consulate=consulate_general

Hi Simon, I’m well aware of the code. I started a discussion over the tagging mailing-list to discuss the mater.

La rue "Henry Farman" à Paris se prolonge par la rue "Henri Farman" à Issy-les-Moulineaux

C’est OSMOSE qui a remonté ce qu’il pensait être une erreur. C’était, après investigation, un faux positif ;)

SMART bus stops

well done! I’m doing the exact same thing in the Paris area. Finished more than 2000 of them, remaining about the same amount. PT_V2 will vanquish!