
saintam1's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by saintam1

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State of the Go Map!!

Thanks a lot for all that work Bryce, GoMap!! is a great editor!

Potlatch 3 is here!

Hurray! Congrats

Go Map!! release 2.0.7

That’s great news, thanks a lot!

Experiences with iD and jOSM

Ah, yes I see your point. Yeah JOSM has a steeper learning curve.

Experiences with iD and jOSM

If you’re not a fan of triggering data downloads manually, have a look at

UK Supermarket Cafe's - Name Suggestion Index
  • I would map the cafe separately from the store, yes.

  • For the name I would use whatever the signage at the entrance to the cafe says. If it says “Sainsbury’s Cafe”, use that, if it just says “Café”, use that, if there’s no sign, I would put no name. We mappers will always find grounds to debate what the exact name of an object should be, so “whatever the sign says” is a good rule of thumb I think, it makes sense, it’s generally unambiguous, and applies pretty much everywhere.

  • You can add an operator=Asda tag to tie the cafe to its “mother store” independently of the name.

Just another mapper’s perspective :)

Review of "The Red Atlas"

Worked for me. Insightful review, thanks!

Departing Turkmenistan in June

Thanks for your outstanding contribution Allan! Hats off to you.

Визуальный валидатор зданий, новый стиль для JOSM

Здорово! Очень полезно.

Go Map!! Update and source code availability

Amazing. Thanks for open-sourcing it, and more importantly thanks for an awesome app!

Southern Balkan Province

Great surveying work as always, well done Allan.

A Gazetteer of Ashgabat Street Names

Hats off, this is superb work. In fact it deserves a wider audience than just that of the OSM wiki, I would think.

The Turkmenistan page in OSM's Wiki

Great work, thanks!

Route Planning with OSM

Nice, thanks for sharing.

Upcoming research on participation biases in OSM

That sounds like interesting research. Keep us posted!

Correcting Speed Limits in Toledo, Ohio

Awesome. As a taxi driver you probably also have lots of local knowledge about street names, one-ways, landmarks etc that the map can benefit from. Welcome aboard.

Dressed-up Notification Mails

Having a “Preferred email format: plain text vs. html” option makes a lot of sense to me. I expect it should be doable, too. I’ll look into it.

Dressed-up Notification Mails

Thanks for your valuable feedback BushmanK! It all makes sense to me, I’ll try to incorporate all this into the code. is a new evil (instead of Potlatch)?

Hi BushmanK,

I’ve had to clean up after users on a daily basis since the app started allowing edits, but I, for one, welcome this new wave of editors. Yes, you need to go and tidy up after new users, and it does take time, but I think having a more diverse contributor base is worth the effort.

Most of these users will make <10 edits and never come back. Some will get hooked and become active long-term contributors. Along the way they’ll learn the rules (hopefully sooner than later). But every expert user started out with a clumsy first edit.

I’m reminded of Linus Torvalds’ uncharacteristically positive mail about newbie users submitting small, trivial patches to the Linux Kernel, and these patches often turn out to have obvious mistakes in them:

Key quote, adapted to this discussion: “Yes, those [ edits] are a bother. Damn, they are horrible. But at the same time, the devil is in the detail, and they are needed in the long run. Both the [edits] themselves, and the people that grew up on them.”

That’s how I see it anyway.

MAPS.ME is now an editor


Just wanted to say thanks for this, it is having a significant impact in Sofia, Bulgaria. The community here is quite small, and since became an editor, there has been a marked increase in the number of contributions. Some of them need to be corrected afterwards, of course (names in foreign languages, “this is my flat”, etc), but overall it is helping push the project from a small number of expert mappers to a larger community of more casual mappers, each of which brings fresh information. I think this is a net improvement.

So, thanks!