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JClem's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by JClem

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1926110 JClem

Are there really public toilets here? I couldn't find any obvious signs or access to them from the streets or paths around. Are they within a pub or restaurant for customers only? In which case they shouldn't be marked on the map.

closed 2048429

Mr & Mrs White
59 Dertford
Nr Warminster

open 2594887 JClem

I don't think it's right to tag large areas with landuse:grass. The wiki page says it's for "smaller areas of mown and managed grass for example in the middle of a roundabout, verges beside a road or in the middle of a dual-carriageway." But this area of many square miles includes some agricultural use, and some natural wood. The wiki page suggests some alternative tags to use to the land cover more accurately in smaller areas.

closed 2451856 submitted note from a business:
name: Pov Tec Ltd
phone: 07710 547 893
category: Hair Salons
address: Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4QT

closed 1012363 poornibadrinath

Is this highway called Mane Road or Mane Way? Can someone please confirm?

closed 903163

White Horse Medical Centre

closed 1282921 DaveF

How much of this is now houses?

closed 1875955


closed 656131

Incomplete address:
New Street here:Mantell Close. Joins onto Station Road
This error is submitted from Navmii GPS.

closed 1347987

There is a new housing development that needs to be marked

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