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Kavin Sundaram

Mapper since:
February 09, 2024
Last map edit:
February 21, 2024


I am at Uber are planning to explore and contribute to OpenStreetMap in various places across the globe. I have experience of 2 years in Mapping.

I do not plan to make any large-scale, machine-generated edits for this project. All edits will be made by a team of individuals. The team will be using the available data sources in the JOSM tool for their corrections and validations.

The edits will be made according to the Organized editing best practices and country-specific OSM policies. In addition to that, Uber editors are also committed to improve their edits based on feedback from the community and by leveraging local knowledge to help identify data issues and resolution. For this project, our team intends to focus on adding and modifying the following OSM features:

Geometry includes (updation of geometries including alignments, missing road features, Nodes connectivity etc.) Road Network (Road Class, Road Condition, Turn restriction, Directionality etc.) Display map features (Building Footprints, Land use etc.) Please feel free to reach out to us with feedback, questions, and suggestions.