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Mar4s's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Mar4s

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1772159 Mar4s

Verify, I couldnt find it at that spot

closed 3449154 JBS21

Unable to answer "How does this road cross the barrier here?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

Nic nevidim

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closed 3451023 Daniel Beránek

This is a comment generated by #OSMyBiz.
New/Modified Tags = '*', Removed Tags = '-'.

addr:street = Sochorova
addr:housenumber = 3226/40
*addr:place = office building
addr:postcode = 616 00
addr:city = Brno
addr:country = Česko

*name = MOBIS: fotovoltaické elektrárny
*opening_hours = Mo-Fr 8:00-16:00
*phone = +420 775 755 922
*email =
*website =
*wheelchair = yes
*description = Dodáváme fotovoltaické elektrárny: bez akumulace, s bateriemi, dobíjecími stanicemi i tepelným čerpadlem. Vyřídíme za Vás dotace, zajistíme financování úvěrem či hypotékou pro FVE na rodinný dům, pro obec i pro firmu. Nabízíme Vám instalaci fotovoltaiky na klíč, ovládaní aplikací a 30 let zkušeností.

*category: Solar Energy Company

closed 1536798 Mar4s

Whole are is mapped using not aligned Bing imagery, that has resulted into about 8m offset.

closed 3973873 JBS21

Nove domy

via StreetComplete 55.0

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closed 491370 kiwichickenmusician


closed 3239765 JBS21

Unable to answer "What’s this pole made of?" for via StreetComplete 44.1:

Neni tu

closed 3443700 S-i-m

"Supermarkt heißt Eira da Cruz und liegt näher an Kreuzung"
The place has gone or never existed. A user of Organic Maps application has reported that the POI was visible on the map (see snapshot date below), but was not found on the ground.
OSM snapshot date: 2022-10-29T18:47:05Z
POI name: Sr. Irineu
POI types: shop-supermarket

closed 3447696 S-i-m

Der Supermarkt mit dem angegebenen Namen existiert an der Stelle nicht. Näher an der Kreuzung liegt ein Supermarkt mit Bar und Café. Der Name ist: Eira da Cruz

closed 3555331 JBS21


via StreetComplete 51.0

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