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OliveraM's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by OliveraM

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4032456 OliveraM

Can someone check if there is a connection of side streets with main roads?
Красноармейская улица #MSFTOpenMaps

open 4019786 OliveraM

Can someone with local knowledge confirm these oneway tags? #MSFTOpenMaps

open 3976943 OliveraM

Can someone cheked name "Suvo polje" on this segment.

open 3965996 OliveraM

It is unclear, whether the road from here 37.7926842, 21.7735277 connect to this road 37.7905932, 21.7718956, through the forest. This may also be connected through the forest to the main road 37.7896495, 21.775608. Can someone with local knowledge verify this? #MSFTOpenMaps

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