
StefanB's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by StefanB

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Juno opens its GPS traces to aid in mapping New York City

You can add layers to editors with a simple link, namely:

Disassembling and drying a flooded Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx

Advertisement mentions accidental immersion, not a deliberate swim :)

Granice Hrvatske

Evo granica je importirana:
A na moru označio sam zašto su ucrtani dvije tako različiti granici:

Granice Hrvatske


Od Slovenačkog geodetskog ureda dobili smo dozvolu za importiranje granica Slovenije u OSM. U nekoliko dana verovatno če bit importirana.
Zamolio bi, da to ne postane neki novi OSM edit war ili poligon za nacionalne interese, nego da se prihvati "istinu" (jednu ili dvije ako trijeba). Ako primijetite neku "grešku" slobodno ucrtajte svoju variantu granice, pa neka se politici pregovaraju dalje, a da mi ne trošimo energije :)

diskusija na talk-si listi:


Almost 2 million edits!

See :)

Routable Commons

So can we now expect areas of unroutable regions in the park, tagged access=no, landuse=rose_garden so that routing algorithm can find optimal way trough a park without footpaths (and whole park tagged with access=foot). Oh, and imagine the exploding size of routing matrix :)

how about having it as an alias for main website, defaulting to their language (once it is translated)? disponible

Surely you meant as mentioned (without "www.") isn't working.


btw, img2ozf turns images (.map calibration file of a .jpg image) and not Garmin's img files into ozi's proprietary format (.ozf3)


Upgraded the translation tool


How about having that within the app itself, like:


Now you can see your post correctly under
and RSS feeds under


Bravo, le tako naprej!

Problems with Cycle Map as base layer

the given url
works fine for me.

good luck fighting your network / ISP!

Changing email address of OSM account

I believe BlueMM was worried that in DB every node/way carries email as the reference to the author. I believe this reference is numeric user_id, independent of email and display name and not visible to users (except in planet dumps along with display name)

Questions: bulk uploading of lighthouses / maritime navigation

bummer, third try: °

Questions: bulk uploading of lighthouses / maritime navigation

Oops, read "escaped with °" as "escaped with &<>deg<>;"

Questions: bulk uploading of lighthouses / maritime navigation

Oh in the given OSM file the degree sign needs to be escaped with ° i presume. JOSM can't read it right (gets a � square) and Kosmos choaks on it.

v="RL355 range lantern with 6W lamps and 28° spreaders, powered by two 50W solar panels with a 600Ah battery."

Questions: bulk uploading of lighthouses / maritime navigation

No problem downloading JOSM, but when I tried to open (run) it, a Nokia application kicked in (for installing apps on mobiles).

On your machine the .jar file extension is obviously taken by the Nokia application installer for mobile phones.

Try opening the jar explicitly in java with command:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\java.exe -jar -Duser.language=en -Xmx512M "C:\OpenStreetMap\josm\josm-latest.jar"

Just adjust your paths and max memory allocation (Xmx) as needed.

Questions: bulk uploading of lighthouses / maritime navigation

Great to see some nautical initiative!

Is the CIL's permission compatible wirh OSM's CC-BY-SA license?

as with all imported data it would be nice to include other attributes, namely
source:id=1234567 (id of the object in the source DB, so that updates can be done later on if needed)

As for tagging the objects see
and maybe also man_made=beacon
and usual
name=Fastnet Lighthouse
+other attributes as needed
lighthouse:characteristics:morse=G (OSM's flexible XML schema allows you to invent tags as needed, but some discussion with OSM community might be needed sometime if things are overlapping)

For initial playing around I'd suggest Kosmos ( ), an OSM map viewer and renderer, whose rules can be eaily customized for whatever style (nautical in this case, yellow land, white sea, buoys, lighthouses with characteristics rather than name, no street names, only major roads...). Then you can also give it 2 .osm files to render at the same time, onto the same map. One would be extract of Ireland, and the other one would be osm file with CIL's lighthouses and other nautical navigation aids.

Once you are happy with the osm file from CIL's data (so that it includes most or possibly all data), and are sure that CIL's permission allows you to publish the data under CC-BY-SA you can just upload it with JOSM.

If you need some help with Kosmos, JOSM, Java and other novelties please say so. I (and probably others) will gladly help you.