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generalist's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by generalist

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1827854 generalist

District boundaries around here seem a little odd - along a good chunk of the Thames they seem to run slightly inland of the river bank, rather than either aligned with the bank or the middle of the stream, either of which would seem to make a bit more sense.

Is this just an artefact of two data sources having slightly different ideas of where the river is, or is it intentional?

closed 532576 generalist

This site was sold off for housing development by the MOD a few years ago, though the development itself seems stalled waiting for planning permission. MOD have built a new Army Cadet building in one corner of the site - see eg/ - but otherwise no longer use the site.

As such, not sure if we should remove the "TA Centre" area, or leave it in place pending new building work

closed 477156 generalist

Two newbuild apartment blocks here ("Aqua"); not on aerial imagery. Construction currently finishing up.

closed 1390971

Estação em falta:

Este erro é enviado pelo Navmii GPS.

closed 484158 generalist

Should the boundary here follow the river? It looks vaguely like it should (same sort of pattern) but no way for me to practically check.

closed 1188970

Now a public footpath? (new Jan 2017) Needs surveying on ground.

closed 616681 Professor Tenebrae

The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground. User comments: "We don't need 2 icons here. It's just 1 for the train station and the other is better labeled." (OSM data version: 2016-06-01T10:03:02Z) #mapsme

closed 101539

There is a PureGym located here.

closed 539845 generalist

There is a connecting footpath through this area east to west - signposted, and shown on other maps, but not clear on the ground quite where it actually is.

closed 477784 generalist

What is this strange line? A railway? Hard to tell from the aerial imagery

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