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linse's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by linse

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Areas and Landuse in Wernigerode

p.s.: ok, so the nice painting got f**d up (removed all the whitespace), hope you understand it nonetheless...

Areas and Landuse in Wernigerode

Hi Brian,
a bit late for a comment, but two minutes ago i had the same problem...
If you have only two touching areas, you can split the overlapping way away from _both_ circular ways, then you won't get a validator-error.

But i'm pretty sure, that this shouldn't been done.
Because when you have three areas side by side, the one in the middle won't survive this procedure.
Example: "B" will not survive.
| | | |
| A | B | C |
| | | |

So, in my opinion it's the validator, that needs fixing, it should ignore overlapping ways from "connected circular ways"...

How did you make a compromise with rivers/streams? Because i have a "Bächle" near my village, which i refused to map, because the normal "Bach" is tagged as stream yet (although i can't jump over it, it's obviously many times smaller than the Rhein). There definitly is missing one category for waterways... (or i missed one)
