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revict's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by revict

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4034657 revict

GPX didn't track well in-between, but start and finish are correct. Walking path with signs explaining history and wildlife goes along the river, is called the "Kennett River Nature Walk"

via StreetComplete_ee 55.11

Attached photo(s):

GPS Trace:

closed 4083688 revict

this road doesn't exist

open 3962573 revict

coming from northeast, it is possible to turn right. osmand navigation didn't recognize this and suggested left plus u-turn. maybe streets don't share a node?

open 4020822 revict

Walking path to toilets

via StreetComplete_ee 55.11

GPS Trace:

open 4020720 revict

there are stairs here, winding downhill from the temple. I guess they connect to the path further down, but I didn't walk that way; should be identifiable on satellite photos, the stairs are very wide and made of light grey rock.

open 4016800 revict

this little reverse L shaped part of the road does not exist. it's private property

closed 3960116 revict

there's a new huge "Kepnock TOWN CENTRE" here now. among others a large Woolworth. opened two days ago

closed 3950800 revict

This is not a railway crossing. Road is on a bridge, the rails cross below the bridge

closed 3947612 revict

Routing says to backtrack for 50 m, probably the road is wrong here?

closed 3935966 revict

closed until further notice

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