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wieland's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by wieland

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"Sierra Mountains"?

I don’t think the name is from OSM-data.

Belgrade Sign

It should be landuse=cemetery and name=Orlovačko groblje as far I know.

Adressen importieren

Ich denke da steht: Mit der Anerkennung des beigefügten Lizenzvertrages CC BY Namensnennung 3.0 Österreich (pdf 46 KB) samt dessen Erweiterung CC BY tirisMaps 2012 (pdf 43 KB) durch Ihre Anmeldung an mailto erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit zur kostenfreien Weiterverwendung der Informationen und Dokumente aus dem Kartendienst tirisMaps unter Externer Link im Kalenderjahr 2012.

Und © Tiroler Landesregierung

Obwohl das auf den ersten Blick ganz gut aussieht, wird das nicht funktionieren.

Also braucht man doch eine Erlaubnis, wenn man es genau nimmt.

Lizenzbedinungen können anscheinend nicht so geschrieben werden, dass sie kompatibel sind. Da ist OSM auch nicht besser. :-)

Adressen importieren

Hast du mehr Infos zu Tiris? Ich würde vermuten, dass das nicht erlaubt ist, wenn es nicht eine schriftliche Erlaubnis dafür gibt.

still waiting for planet-file and daily-diffs

At least I found out, that the diffs starting at 11th of april cover the changes from on 4th of april.

still waiting for planet-file and daily-diffs

@Zartbitter: But why not publish non-odbl data until odbl is ready? My customer whould kill me, if I switch off the old system before the new system in running fine. OK. There was a time schedule till 1.4. non odbl and than odbl, but this means there should be a switch from non odbl to odbl. If odbl is delayed you need to delay switching off non odbl. I just can’t see any reason.

still waiting for planet-file and daily-diffs

So the diffs from 2012-4-4 to 2012-4-11 will not be available, not as diffs and not in a full dump? Not nice for me.

The software for the licence change is now developed and tested, but not yet applied? That’s ok for me, better well developed and well tested, but that’s no reason to stop old license dumps.

still waiting for planet-file and daily-diffs

You mean I should use the planet file from the old server from last version from 1.4.2012 and the dayly-diffs from the new server starting on 11.4.2012?

I think the database was writable before.

What happed to

Now it seems to be working again.

What happed to

Now the main page is available again, but not the custom build maps.
Custom: unavailable


To use the data overlay I recommend to zoom in as far as possible :-)


I would guess, that you look at a highway/path which is on Mapnik displayed grey dotted. But on Osmarender not dotted and on Cyclemap brown dotted.

tiles servers usage - part 2

You wrote:
"-- look for bad names, general names (New York Map, Berlin Map, ...)"

These look like city apps:
Have a look at the comments :-)

tiles servers usage - part 2

But in this case, the referer is needed to analyse the traffic or api-keys.
All the discussion about mobile apps versus browsers doesn't help.

tiles servers usage - part 2

Maybe we will have much more traffic soon.
Google maps will charge soon.


German comment naming OSM as free alternative:,1518,794935,00.html

Lake Katherine

@alexz: you did it, great :-)

tiles servers usage - part 2

Shouldn't all the Browsers be clumpled by Referer?

Apps should show wether it is online or offline-download like openmaps now.

Apps with more than x downloads need to be known with contact.

Lake Katherine

@alexz: You found another lake with the same name. Your one is not missing, mine is missing.

Lake Katherine

Do you mean ?
A permalink is very helpful for people who don't know what you mean.

And it es still missing. Do you want to add it?
Do you ask somebody to add it? Do you ask for help, how to add it?


Ich denke es geht um das Overlay and das stammt nicht aus den aktuellen OSM-Daten.
Die Daten sind im JS-Code fest kodiert, der Webmaster kann das also ändern.
Wenn da eine falsche Telefonnummer steht, sollte man das doch auch ändern können.
Vielleicht war das aber ein Praktikant und der ist nicht mehr da :-)