
We are preparing a new osm2pgsql stable series release, 0.88.0. This is based off of the work done in 0.87 development series with porting to C++.

Help is needed in doing a last round of tests before release, in particular the z_order logic. 0.88.0-RC1 can be obtained from

If upgrading from a 0.86.0 or earlier created database, the schema migrations in are required.

Major changes

Osm2pgsql is now C++ and requires the Boost libraries.

A new backend has been added, the “multi” backend. This allows multiple tables which can each contain different types of features. More documentation is available at

In-database pending way tracking has been replaced with in-memory tracking, offering significant performance gains. This requires a schema migration for old databases.

z_order logic has been improved, taking into account recent work across multiple styles. has more information. This requires a schema migration for old databases.


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