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1 day
Ended .
Reason for block:

Dear Erick,

it appears that you are using the JOSM validator to automatically, and quickly, “fix” many issues in OSM. This is not the intended use of the validator; every problem reported by the validator must be investigated in detail. The validator can often be wrong, and - for example - blindly inserting an instersection node where two roads cross is not the right course of action.

You claim to have “validated” over 10,000 objects in the last 24 hours alone; this is not plausible. Please stop this fast-track validation immediately.

Erick, this is not the first time that you have damaged OSM in Brazil, and each time the community in Brazil has contacted you and asked you to stop but you have continued. If these incidents continue then we might have to block your account for a longer time. I hope that this will not be necessary.

Thank you
Frederik Ramm
OSMF Data Working Group