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Kevin Steinhardt's Diary

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Guess what I found in me shed? Two 2 1/2" Provincials and a couple of 7th Series maps: the latter would, I guess, be the most helpful. Sheets 190 and 189 (of Cornish location); published 1961, so they'd be out-of copyright next year perhaps. They're in an alright condition: alright for from sixty years ago, and living in numerous lofts and sheds. If anyone's interested in scanning and rectifying them (I would but I wouldn't know where to begin) in time for the copyright-outing, I'll be happy to send them somewhere.

Not sure how many of you User Diaries folk are beginners; it would seem like the kind of place more experienced users would come, but still. I've published a screencast over at -- just a basic affair of tracing streams, etc. from 7th Series tiles; quite basic stuff. I'm getting back into screencasting, and I haven't done one for several years; so... my presentation skills are much to be improved.

Just found a road atlas mentioning and showing off Sandy Lane, Cambridge. Nothing wrong with that -- although it is a road atlas from 1997, and the road isn't show as under construction as on OSM. Now: I've walked past both ends of Sandy Lane: it's unsurfaced and looks under construction, but this doesn't make sense. I'm not playing on the licencing issues here; I'm merely saying a road can't be under construction for 12/13 years.

Just wrote a half-proposal over on the wiki about cycle parking and tagging what stands are available (Sheffield, A-frame, anything really, etc.). Was thinking about putting wheelbenders down, but they're not stands; they're a bloody annoyance. Feedback on this would be much appreciated, with the URL being -- I had to shorten it; it was far too long.

Bloody farms

Posted by Kevin Steinhardt on 9 December 2009 in English.

I seriously need to stop tracing farms from Yahoo!. The weather here's being not too bad, but it's having some days; I don't really have time to go out and do any productive mapping -- my wiki userpage has a long-long list of things I could do, but I seem not to have the time. Maybe I'm just being selective. Anywhat: no more farms for you, Kevin. Stop with the bloody farms. There are too many in South Cambridgeshire; you'll overload the servers with farmland.


Posted by Kevin Steinhardt on 28 November 2009 in English.

Here goes: I would like to write a script or something, that finds cycle parking within a certain cordon that doesn't yet have a capacity=* tag -- as in I would like to locate capacity-less cycle stands, so I can survey and add a capacity to them, add a covered=yes/no tag, cctv=*, etc. I'm not sure how this API business works, so I'm hoping one of you can lead me to finding out how one would go about doing this, and what it would involve. Thanks muchly; here's waiting for a reply.

I did leave a three-star review of iLOE on the App Store; I'd only tried to edit nodes (by which I mean nodes) when you can only really edit POIs (wayless nodes; by which they mean nodes). Found a bench on my commute, and I though: huh; could map this. Launched the application and it is just hideously complicated. Not even that: you can't add tags to new nodes. That renders it completely pointless; do hope another developer gets it together. Either that or I hope Cloudmade hurry up with Mapzen.

Fowlmere Nature Reserve

Posted by Kevin Steinhardt on 28 October 2009 in English.

I know it's not a hugely important part of the country, but I'd like to get it done soonish. Here are the main things that are bothering me, and what I'll have to survey when I have a free afternoon:
- the Spring hide (POI and the approach path)
- the bridge at the western end of the Short Cut
- the stream down the side of that track on the western boundary (way 43132397)
- the stream between the Short Cut bridge and that bridge near the N boundary; is this not the same stream as the NPE-traced one (way 31767482)?
- the pumping house/whatsit to the south of the reserve
- the 'footpath' diverging from node 528058950

Location: 52.090, 0.052

Re: lcn tagging in Cambridge

Posted by Kevin Steinhardt on 17 October 2009 in English.

I've had an idea: you know the primary routes indicated by the blue signs through town: ...would these form the basis for a 'local cycle network' and thus justify use of the lcn tag? This would show up blue on Mapnik and could form part of a journey planner engine (even though there's no real reason for a replacement Cyclestreets). I welcome your replies.