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Carphone Warehouse

Posted by UKChris on 22 March 2020 in English.

In the UK, the brand “Carphone Warehouse” is closing all of its standalone mobile phone branches, and only having concession stands / counters inside “Currys PC World” stores.

When it comes to adding / updating Carphone Warehouse to OSM, is there any OSM tag that can be included with a Carphone Warehouse node that’s placed on or within a Currys PC World, that indicates it is actually inside a Currys PC World? e.g. ‘is_in:Currys PC World’, ‘inside:Currys PC World’ or ‘location:Currys PC World’?

Or would placing a node on / within a Currys PC World be enough to indicate it’s inside the building?

Alternatively, would it be better to tag Currys PC World with a particular tag that indicates it contains a Carphone Warehouse inside, or even updating the name tag to “Currys PC World Carephone Warehouse”, rather than having a separate node for Carphone Warehouse?

For those who aren’t aware, inside some OSM editors is something called the “Name Suggestion Index” or NSI, and this lets mappers use a consistent name / brand across the map, for places such as a McDonald’s, or a Supermarket.

Many people may have used the NSI ( without even realising it - if you added a node or way and started to type, for example “Burger King”, and had the editor suggest to you that you select “Burger King” with the official logo on screen, this was the NSI at work.

The NSI is maintained over on GitHub, and suggestible names don’t all exist on the list automatically, they have to be added to the index.

One such suggestion I have made to the group of maintainers is adding brand names for Supermarket Cafe’s within the UK, including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, M&S and Morrisons, as I believe many of the supermarkets include a cafe inside, and having them mapped as a node (amenity:cafe) within each store would be beneficial to OSM and OSM users. All these supermarkets have a separate NSI entry for their respective petrol stations, and I think the same should be true for their cafe’s

Not all stores have a cafe, and of those that do, not all of them follow the same opening hours as the main store, which is another reason I think adding them separately would be beneficial.

One question that has arisen is if this is a suitable addition to the NSI, and if the name tag should be that of the Supermarkets name, eg “Asda Cafe”, or if it should be something else, as the cafe itself is inside the Supermarket, and often physical signage within the store simply reads “cafe”, which, while might be the correct “name” to give, could be considered too generic, and actually flags an error within iD.

I’d be keen to hear anyone else’s views on whether Supermarket Cafe’s should exist individually within OSM, and if so, should they have the name that matches the supermarket itself, eg “Asda Cafe”, or be left blank, or as something else?

Brands - Buzz Bingo suggestion

Posted by UKChris on 30 December 2019 in English.

I’m starting to get my head around using the brand tag where available, and find the iD pre-suggestions helpful, but I’m not quite sure about suggesting brands that are currently missing from the list.

I’ve found the details for the brand “Buzz Bingo”, and applied it to one branch within Plymouth (, but naturally having this as a pre-selection would be helpful, as they seem to have quite a few branches scattered around the UK.

I think the suggestion data would look something like this:

“amenity/casino|Buzz Bingo”: { “countryCodes”: [“gb”], “tags”: { “brand”: “Buzz Bingo”, “brand:wikidata”: “Q60746117”, “brand:wikipedia”: “en:Buzz Bingo”, “name”: “Buzz Bingo”, “amenity”: “casino” } }

… and would go within the “casino.json” file, but I’m not sure about adding this to the github dataset, as I don’t want to fluff anything up. I’m also not entirely sure if “casino” is the correct way to tag a bingo hall?

Is there any more brand experienced mappers who can either guide me in the right direction to learn more, or who could add the above to the correct location?

Location: Barbican, Plymouth, England, PL1 2JT, United Kingdom

addr:county tag within Somerset

Posted by UKChris on 24 October 2019 in English.

I’ve recently been going through Wellington and Taunton (in Somerset) to find addresses that didn’t have the tag addr:county=”Somerset”, aided by Overpass Turbo and adding the tag and value, so as to be consistent with other addresses in the area.

Location: Wellington, Rockwell Green, Wellington, Somerset, England, United Kingdom