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amapanda ᚛ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ᚜ 🏳️‍🌈's Diary

Recent diary entries

Hi all, I’ve made a website which shows how all the waterways in OSM are topologically connected, or not:

OSM River Basins

More details are there, or on the backing github project. You can also run the programmes for yourself if you want to tweak it, or just show your region.

This tool can help you find possible tagging mistakes in river topology, like change in a name, or find places where 2 rivers aren’t properly connected up.

Data is updated manually by me when I remember.

What do yous think?

You can follow me on fedi/mastodon for news, or read this on the Discourse OSM Community Forum

There’s been an OpenStreetMap presence on Twitter and the Fediverse/Mastodon for years. And in the last few months, the @OpenStreetMap account on Mastodon/Fediverse has gotten much more engagement on Mastodon compared to Twitter.

The OSMF has had a formal policy committment to use open communication channels for 3+ years, but it’s important to also use closed platforms if it helps reach people. So where are the people?

As part of my work for the OSM Communications WG, I maintain some OSM social media channels. For several months, Mastodon engagenment has been much higher than Twitter. Here’s some raw data and examples.

(Here I show the number of retweets/boosts (🔁) and stars/likes (⭐) posts get on Mastodon (🐘) and Twitter (🐦))

The important OSMF post about recent Maxar imagery unavailability got about the same, ( 🐘 4🔁 3⭐ vs 🐦 5🔁 7⭐, but Mastodonians like OSMF internal posts about the 2023 Screen to Screen. 🐘 9🔁 5⭐ vs 🐦 1🔁 1⭐, or the post about the OSMF SSRE’s first year, got 4 times as many boosts/retweets 🐘 23🔁 17⭐) vs 🐦 4🔁 8⭐.

State of the Map is also a popular topic, with Mastodon toots out-performing Twitter tweets. From general “Have you been to SotM?” posts (🐘 12🔁 11⭐ vs 🐦 3🔁 6⭐) to requests for new host bids reach more people on Mastodon (🐘 16🔁 12⭐ vs 🐦 7🔁 23⭐

This analysis is just the tip of the iceburg. Compare the OpenStreetMap mastodon account to the OSM Twitter account to see more examples. Don’t forget: The “number of followers” on Twitter is 10 times higher than the on Mastodon (84K vs 6K), and yet Mastodon is reaching more people, and driving more communications.

Others in OSM have seen this. Pieter Vander Vennet showed how WeeklyOSM was increasingly linking to Mastodon, rather than Twitter. Geomob podcast episode № 171 described the “amazing” difference in engagement they got on Mastodon versus Twitter.

The logo of Twitter is a little happy bird, chriping away. But now Twitter is an empty birdcage, filled with bird droppings and old newspapers. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. An old world is dying, and a new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters. (yay!)

Where to next? 🧭

Join the OSM Mapstodon Server at!.

Follow me in Mastodon

Read more about Mastodon on the OSM Wiki Check out the Local Posts on, or all #OpenStreetMap posts.


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.    
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

  • Mapping
  • Community
  • CWG
    • OSM Instagram
      • Started using the “business” tools for this account.
      • Queued up a weeks worth of old posts based on WeeklyOSM
      • Attempted (& failed) to set up the multi account, to allow others to post to Insta.
  • OSMF Board
    • Emailed board my suggestion about allowing under 18’s to be OSMF (assoc.) members
    • AGM
    • Asked board if we should publish the osmf scoping doc
    • Test emmail to new talk@/osmf-talk@ mods to see if they have an email account yet
    • Emailed SRDP to see if they wanted to do it again
    • Ending my term early
      • My current OSMF Board term could last another year, but I’ve decided to end it early at this AGM.
      • I’ve found the OSMF Board to be using a lot of my free time.
      • I’ve found myself getting frustrated with Board work, which negatively affects how I’ve been able to do board work. I feel cynical and bitter, which is not a good position.
      • You may notice from these entries, that I’m not doing as much in the last few months.
      • It was easier to do Board work during Corona pandemic time, when there was no events happening, but now there’s so many things I want to do with my life.
      • A year ago, I knew what I would be getting in to, and asked you to vote for me. I’m sorry to everyone who hoped I’d spend the whole 2 years.
      • I’m happy with many things I did on the board, and unhappy with other things. Maybe later, with distance, I’ll be able to explain.
      • There’s plenty of things you can do in OSM, without the OSMF Board. I’m not going anywhere. 😈


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.      
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

(As I mentioned, I finally caught corona. Combined with a lack of energy, this is a bit shorter)


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.        
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

What I did in OpenStreetMap in August 2022

Posted by amapanda ᚛ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ᚜ 🏳️‍🌈 on 19 October 2022 in English. Last updated on 8 November 2022.
  • Mapping
    • Keep up the regular mapping around the place, and while at SotM
    • I wish people would stop adding new man_made tags. #
  • I posted about my State of the Map 2022, which used up most of my mental OSM energy for August.
  • OSMF Board
    • Some suggestions for SotM 2023 generated some board ⇄ sotm wg emails. (I tried to do the right thing and CC the right people while communicating. This policy was adopted by the Board last year. The board member who claimed the board supported the CM bid didn’t tell the rest of the board of this).
    • Local Chapters
      • At SotM, apparently 2 groups asked a fellow board member about becoming a local chapter for Nigeria & Eritrea.
      • I got their contact details and started reaching out to them to start the process
    • Board Meeting
      • I attended the Aug 2022 Board meeting
        • I did plan to schedule an AB meeting with corp. memb.
      • also attended the Aug 2022 mid month chat, there was discussion about
        • odbl-only imports
        • prep for SotM 2022 (osmf stand, board AMA)
        • whether monthly reports from pers. comm. were needed (probably not)

(sorry if i’m missing some details, I’m trying to finish this)


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July          
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

State of the Map 2022 is over, so I’ll join many others in writing how SotM was to me.

The most unique and appeal thing for me about events like this is being able to meet people in person and talk to people I don’t often see. Alas there were so many people I’d like to have spent more time with. There were many people I met in person for the first time having only had online interactions, and many people I’d seen before.

All the talks are online (both on media.ccc and “What you map is not always what you get”, is a good primer on OSM tagging.

The main social event was fun and in an interesting venue. It was nice how it was spread out, so you could easily mingle and talk to many people. I was affected by the mess up with the cards, but I got a cocktail & ice cream, so was happy 🐘 🐦.

I took part in the OSMF Board Ask Us Anything Q&A session. (video (media.ccc), (yt). It was a good talk. Lots of interesting questions. I hope I & the rest managed to answer enough. I’d like to manually improve the subtitles & translations. Someone asked about board diversity, and I made That Joke™🥚︎ to the lads after 😆︎.

The OSMF didn’t do the paperwork for the OSM Austria Local Chapter application, so we did a signing ceremony then. 🐦

I travelled by train from Karlsruhe to Firenze, took about 8 hrs but is good for the environment and more relaxing than dealing with airports. While I was quietly open at the last SotM, this was my first using my real name. Everyone in OSM were totally cool about it all (bar the usual suspects).

A week after I got back, I tested positive for Corona. 😭 I’ve 3 vaccinations, so I had a headache for a few days. I quarantined, which was a little dull, and missed some events. The vaccinations really work. I didn’t wear a mask as much as others at SotM (or afterwards). I guess I succumed to the social norms of “no mask” 😔.

After you’ve been out dancing 💃 & drinking 🍸 at the club🪩, that take away joint open at 2am 🌆 suddenly looks very appealing 🍔🍟🍕. So for every night club in OSM, I calculated the distance to the nearest fast food take away. Here’s a map of where you have to go >20km for a take away:

map of the world

🗺️ explore this as a web map here

Here’s everything in Europe (blue = <1km, green=1→5km, yellow=5→20km orange=20→50km red=≥50km) europe

🔢 full raw data if you want to play with it yourself.

I used my new script, osm-distance-to-nearest with -a amenity=nightclub -b amenity=fast_food. Data is from end of Sept 2022. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, and open data under ODbL

I wonder what’s going on Iberia (Spain & Portugal)? 🤔 It’s quite possible the simple OSM data model doesn’t match, and things aren’t tagged as fast food, or nightclub or they just do things differently. Ukraine & Eastern Europe also have low numbers. Many places in Africa have a large distance, but I think low OSM data coverage and I presume different mapping/cultural standards are a reason why. Do you have any thoughts? Leave a comment. I love this aspect of OpenStreetMap. I love being able to explore the world, and data, like this.

While exploring this, I found 2 night clubs far away from the nearest take away. They were in the middle of the desert (in SA & AU). Clearly mistakes, and someone fixed the map.

BTW, the absolute worst night club for a durty take away is Ибица, Anadyr, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia, which is 1,100km from the nearest fast food joint in Omsukchansky Urban District, Magadan Oblast, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia. Clubbing must be hard in Siberia. 🤣

Share this on social media: twitter 🐦 mastodon/fedi 🐘 (previous entry looked at gun shops & banks)

¹ “durty take away” is a semi-phonetic spelling of a Dublin Hiberno-English way to say it 😅 (I want to get better at actually _making maps)_

Vincent Privat posted on twitter of a gun shop across the road from a bank. WeeklyOSM reported it in №634. So it got me thinking. 🤔 And hacking. 🙂👩🏻‍💻

I built a new tool osm-distance-to-nearest which calculates “how close the nearest X is for every Y?”. When you download the OSM Planet File (~70GiB!), and run this command, you’ll get a CSV file for every shop=weapons in OSM, with how far away the nearest bank or ATM is.

osm-distance-to-nearest -i ~/osm/data/planet.osm.pbf -b amenity=atm,bank -a shop=weapons -o p_guns_bank_

Vincent’s case is a weapons shop Armurerie du Vieux Bourg de Kourou (node 2,992,825,744) which is 60m from an ATM operated by La Banque Postale (node 3,022,885,288). at 5° 9′ 55.134″ N 52° 38′ 28.9788″ W in Kourou.

But there are more than 300 weapon shops within 60 metres of a bank or ATM! There are many weapon sells next door to a bank. This is so practical! 🤣🤣 Full formatted table is in this comments.

(Sorry for the delay in posting. I spent most of July 2022 on holiday in Australia)

  • Mapping
    • Livnig in Germany, I’m used to lots being mapped. In Australia there was so much to map!
      • I got to rank #151 in Australia (🐦 🐘) just from my day to day mapping.
      • To my shame, I did use Google Maps. There was so much missing PoIs from OSM.
    • A shop (which I spent a lot of money in) was selling dresses with “he/they” pronoun badge, and I wondered if clothes=women still applied 🐘 🐦. 🤣
  • OSMF Board
    • Board Meeting, July 2022 Board Meeting
      • I had just retured from Aus, and the postponed community presentation from Mapbox Workers Union was interesting.
      • It was interesting to find out that the Mapbox management hadn’t put any direct or explicit pressure on employees to vote a certain way at OSMF Board elections
      • Lots of Mapbox based maps don’t show OSM Attribution, and it was interesting to find that the union had tried to change that internally.
    • I didn’t go to the 2022-07 mid month chat because I was away in Australia (timezones!).
    • I started the wiki page for the board AMA at SotM 2022
  • Community
  • CWG
    • Freebies / Promotional Material Programme
      • I’ve been so bad with this lately, I’m sorry. I have requests from months ago that haven’t been sent out.
    • Instagram still posting there
    • Pinterest haven’t posted there as much lately.


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June            
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May              
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.                
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

(In April, I was not as active as before with OSM(F) stuff, because there was water damage in my flat, which was very stressful & time consuming to solve)


2022 Jan. Feb. Mar.                  
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

  1. not them 

  • Mapping
    • Continued to map regularly. However I’m starting to slip. I’m not mapping every day like I used to.
    • StreetComplete’s new AR camera encouraged me to upgrade my Fairphone 3+ to a OnePlus 8T. It’s great!
  • Hacking
  • OSMF Board
    • No response from the moderation subcommittee of the board’s info request yet. Board will do that work.
    • Local Chapters
    • Board Meeting
      • Er can’t really rememeber, check the minutes
    • Tried to fix the matrix ⇄ IRC bridge but couldn’t do it 🐘 🐦
    • Board Conflict of Interest Policy
      • We’ve been talking for a few years about improving the OSMF Board CoI rules, and have updated it to disallow Board members from speaking on a topic.
      • This amendment was passed at the March 2022 Board meeting
      • Since my employer offers paid tileserver, I have a Conflict of Interest on the topic of attributing OSM data, so I’m not allowed to talk publically about attribution while I’m on the board. Sorry folks, but you’ll have to ask other people. 🙂
    • Advisory Board
      • Started a poll to schedule the next OSMF Board & AB meeting date
      • We’ve updated our rules to allow LCs to sign a group email address to the AB list.
    • Bank account
      • We need to add the new Treasurer (Roland) to the bank account. Since I helped set up the bank account, and it’s in my home country of Ireland, I have helped with the paperwork for this
      • Paperwork is, as always, a PITA
    • Take over protection
    • OSMF Files.
  • OSMF Membership Working Group
    • whoops haven’t done anything here this month
  • CWG
    • Promotional Material Programme
    • OSM Instagram @openstreetmap did ~4 posts in March
    • OSM Pinterest continued posting in March
    • Mastodon, about 15 new users, and 55 regular users this month
    • Circular Logo
      • The OSM logo is quite square, and many social media platforms use circular logos.
      • The logo is under an open copyright licence (CC-BY-SA 3.0), it is an OSMF trademark and subject to OSMF’s relatively permissive Trademark Policy.
      • People make new versions of the logo & upload to the OSM wiki all the time
      • At the CWG meeting. I mentioned my desire for a circular logo, and a new CWG member said they’d have a look at it. They’ve sent a logo, but I haven’t properly looked at it
    • Meetings
      • I atteneded a montly CWG meeting, but mostly I just reported on what’s above.
    • Discourse
      • Tweet & Masto/Fedi post about led to some feedback & Qs
      • I’ve been posting a little bit on it, but the server is still new, so it’s hard to tell if it will take off or not. Regardless, new things are worth trying. Sometimes one has to not devote all one’s time to OSM!
      • I posted about this to the talk@ mailing list
  • SotM 2022
    • I’ve offered to make stickers for SotM 2022 since they have choosen a logo for SotM, they appear receptive.

dd1cf512…, b9f9910f…, cb886cfa…

2022 Jan. Feb.                    
2021 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2020 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde / 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

The OSM community in Ireland is engaged in another multi-year mapping project, to map all the buildings in Ireland.

By March 2022, there were over 2,000,000 buildings. Which caused someone to ask “What was the 2,000,000th building?”. So who added #2,000,000? 🥁 drumroll…

The 2,000,000th Building was added by Boggedy on 1st March 2022, and is in An Bhealtaine Íochtarach, Gort a’ Choirce, Co. Dhún na nGall! Technical OSM details: It’s way 1,036,394,489, added in changeset 117,996,721.

Here’s other milestones:

datetime rank changeset_id changeset_url osmtype osmid object_url
2018-01-08 10:31:43 500000 55260556 way 551628233
2020-02-13 23:54:27 1000000 80979131 way 772271829
2021-02-14 22:04:19 1500000 99268589 way 907155474
2022-03-01 22:14:16 2000000 117996721 way 1036394489


If you want to calculate this data yourself:

The second 2,000,000th building

Observant people might notice a strange way the 2,000,000th building was calculated. Because shortly after we hit 2,000,000, someone removed a building tag from something, bringing us under two mill. Within a few hours, Boggedy had continued mapping and added more buidlings, including another bringing our total above 2,000,000 again.

The progress aobve & below 2,000,000 is visible in the two-million-track.csv which generates.


  • “Ireland” here refers to the island of Ireland
  • Only OSM way & relations are analyzed, not nodes
  • Sometime OSM data is “redacted”, and removed from the history, so it’s techncially possible for someone to have added some others. The goal of this is for fun, nothing too serious.
    • In Sept 2012 changed it’s licence to the current ODbL. Some people didn’t agree to this change (or were uncontactable)
    • Copyright infringing edits are also redacted (because OSM doesn’t have permission to distribute that data)
  • This code in the github is copyright 2022 ©, released under the Affero GNU GPL v3+, cf. LICENCE
  • This contains data © OpenStreetMap, released under the ODbL licence.

See also

  • Mapping
    • someone finished the River Modernisation for Germany. I was slowly fixing them up in Baden-Würrttemberg. It looks like I’ll have to do some other things
  • Hacking
  • OSMF Board
    • Screen2Screen 2 day meeting 2022Q1
      • Times were weird. For me: 16:00→00:00 on Sat and then 09:00→~14:00 the next day. So I had the day free, then busy the whole evening, and soon as it was over, straight to bed to try to sleep to get up in a few hours. It threw the vibe off IMO.
      • We had a long and convoluted conversation about the wording we’re gonna do for the membership pre-requisites vote
      • There was some good conversations about updating the board CoI rules, about trying to reduce the board workload, about how we’re gonna encourage people to run for the board
      • My diary entries like this were mentioned. It’s nice to know people appreciate it.
    • Local Chapters
    • Board Meeting
      • Gave updates like this entry, nothing else from me
    • Moving OSMF out of UK
      • An OSMer was asking me about this, so I provided information
    • Richard Fairhurt noticed bad advice from Strava suggesting deleting things in OSM. I tried to get in touch with Strava, but thankfully they have fixed it before I could follow the trail of “oh I don’t work there, talk to $NAME”. But I did make some tweet.
  • CWG

2022: Jan.

2021: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

2020: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Social Media: 🐦 twitter: @lalonde 🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss feed)

What I did in OpenStreetMap in January 2022

2021: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

2020: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: (rss) (& 🐦 twitter: @lalonde)

Recently someone asked how to find OSM users who’ve left a changeset comment, but have not edited themselves. (Technically the initial challenge was for a one line bash script 😉).

Here’s how to do it.

In OpenStreetMap, people can change their username, but OSM data provides an unchanging numeric user id (uid) for users, which we use here.

First download the dump file, from the OpenStreetMap data download serivce ( ⁽¹⁾.

aria2c --seed-time=0

This will download discussions-YYMMDD.osm.bz2⁽²⁾, which is currently about 5 GiB.

I had to write a new tool, anglosaxon to easily parse large XML files like this into a TSV file format⁽³⁾. This programme works on all XML files, maybe it’s useful for other problems you might have. Install that first.

bzcat discussions-220110.osm.bz2 \
  | anglosaxon \
   -S -o changeset_id --tab -o changeset_uid --tab -o comment_uid --nl \
   -s comment -v ../../id --tab -V ../../uid NO_CHANGESET_UID --tab -V uid NO_COMMENT_UID  --nl \
   | gzip > changeset-comments.tsv.gz

This took about 45 minutes to run on my machine, and the output is about 4 MiB (19 MiB uncompressed), and has about 805,000 lines. This step takes the longest.

We create the list of all uids who have opened a changeset:

zcat changeset-comments.tsv.gz | cut -f2 |uniq|sort |uniq > changeset-uids.tsv

Then a list of all uids who have left a changeset comment:

zcat changeset-comments.tsv.gz | cut -f3 |uniq|sort|uniq > comment-uids.tsv

Then we compare, what’s in one but not the other.

comm -13 changeset-uids.tsv comment-uids.tsv |sort -n > uids-comment-without-changeset.tsv

Et voilà! Sin é! And there’s your results. 🙂 The file is 29 KiB, and has ~3,500 entries. I’m surprised it’s so high.⁽⁴⁾

You can find all the changesets that a uid has commented on with this command, (replace UID with the uid)

zcat changeset-comments.tsv.gz | grep -P "\tUID$" | cut -f1

e.g. the comments that uid 23770⁽⁵⁾ has commented on:

zcat changeset-comments.tsv.gz | grep -P "\t23770$" | cut -f1

The OSM API has several methods to get details on an OSM user, e.g.:

curl ""

⁽¹⁾ Here we use aria2c which will do a regular web/HTTP download, and also use BitTorrent P2P decentralized downloads in addition. --seed-time=0 stops aria2c when the file is fully downloaded, rather than sharing/seeding the file forever over BitTorrent

⁽²⁾ YYMMDD is the year, month & date that the data was created

⁽³⁾ tab separated values, like CSV, but with tabs

⁽⁴⁾ If you’re curious of how to do that on one line using bash(1)’s Proccess Substitution:

comm -13 <(cut -f2 changeset-comments.tsv |uniq|sort|uniq) <(cut -f3 changeset-comments.tsv |uniq|sort|uniq) | sort -n > uids-comment-without-changeset.tsv

⁽⁵⁾ My user id

What I did in OpenStreetMap in December 2021

Posted by amapanda ᚛ᚐᚋᚐᚅᚇᚐ᚜ 🏳️‍🌈 on 5 January 2022 in English. Last updated on 6 January 2022.

What I did in OpenStreetMap in December 2021

  • I got a mappy jewellery box 🐦 🐘.
  • I found a kids puzzle book with a map page, which uses OSM, and makes sure to tell people about OSM. 🐦 🐘
  • Mapping
    • Danube
      • As part of river modernization process, I was working on the Danube. I saw that a stretch was marked as an “intermittant river” (intermittant=yes), with the surface marked as “gravel”. and I thought it was a tagging mistake, so I “fixed” it. But, that part of the Danube is actually intermittant! There’s a stretch (the Danube Sinkhole) where the river sometimes sinks into the riverbed and goes underground.
  • Hacking
  • OSMF Board
    • AGM
    • December board meeting
      • We organised a short board meeting after the annual general meeting to elect board officers
      • Alas, Allan decided not to re-run for the board, so we needed a new chair. I’m glad Guillaume stepped up. Our new board member Roland agreed to be Treasurer. I volunteered to be Secretary again.
      • EG passed, but depends on board affirming the mods. I voted in favour.
      • I don’t think “edit count” should be included up there with racism etc. That amendment failed.
      • I didn’t have enough time to read Guillaume’s longer amendment, so I (& no-one else) seconded it.
      • We also voted for a “board circular break” over the Christmas/New Year period. It’s been nice to be able to ignore things.
    • Advisory Board
      • A Microsoft repo told us they used OSM in Bing Maps in Australia. But someone else noticed places of difference (e.g. OSM, Bing)
      • I asked about this, and was told MS uses OSM for Bing base map (roads, buildings, etc), but the PoIs come form a local team and a separate layer and is aggregated from many sources.
      • That sort of approach to OSM usage is unfortunately common. Eventually OSM will have the best PoI coverage.
  • CWG
    • Stickers
      • Posted envelopes to 3 × UK, SE, 3 × ES, 3 × US, 3 × DE, PL
      • I got a sheet of stickers to print onto. I want to stream line & optimize this more.

2021: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.

2020: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: rss (& 🐦 twitter @lalonde)

What I did in OpenStreetMap in November 2021

2021: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.

2020: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

🐘 fediverse/mastodon microblog: rss (& 🐦 twitter @lalonde)