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gabriele_sani's Diary

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Going into details

Posted by gabriele_sani on 9 January 2021 in English.

It’s really strange the fact that, after you went multiple times in the same zone, you still find little details to adjust on osm the next time you are there. Maybe you can add some surface, maybe there’s a little path you never went through, maybe you discover a little spring you never noticed.

I think the optimal way to handle this kind of “zones” would be to reside there for 1-2 weeks and complete it (if that’s even possible).

It still remain awesome the feeling of unknown you have in the mountains, where there are hundred of little paths that nearly nobody have used in the last years. I really feel like an explorer!

One of the main feature I love to map while hiking are abandoned houses/isolate dwellings. It’s full of them in the parks I usually go around and they are more often than not in a good state. Leaving aside the fact that after a few years I’m STILL not sure what the exact tag should be (locality? isolated_dwelling? abandoned:isolated_dwelling?) the main “problem” I have is with the one I don’t reach: there are so many abandoned places marked on OSM that have no road/path leading there. I suppose most of them come from mass import from public data-set or maybe someone copying data from other maps, but it baffles me how many un-mapped way are there in the mountains. I love exploring and I would love to complete some zone, but it seems like an effort so huge that feels impossible.

Hello World

Posted by gabriele_sani on 13 November 2019 in English. Last updated on 31 March 2020.

I never really used this space, and I want to get used to it. My main aim with OSM is to collaborate with CAI (a local hiking club) to map all the regional trails… and who knows, maybe in the future the whole national database will be uploaded on OSM. This is the page that I started and that I intend to use as a base to keep track of the work to be done. I’m also interested in regional/national parks in the surroundings, and I began from the Vena del Gesso and the Foreste Casentinesi ones.

Let’s see where all of this will bring me in the future :-)