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Posted by SuborbitalPigeon on 26 February 2011 in English.

I've been looking through bugs on MapDust, there are rather a lot of fairly useless bugs with no description, but I've also fixed at least 3 genuine bugs.

Seems like a nice system altogether.


Comment from compdude on 26 February 2011 at 20:56

Mapdust is really nice when people use it right. But sometimes people's descriptions make absolutely no sense, and I mark them as invalid. But I must say that it's helped me correct quite a few errors in OSM data.

Comment from Saxton on 26 February 2011 at 22:47

Yes, I'm with you there. I have left comments about the lack of helpful detail, then deleted the bug. I am prepared to visit my local spots for a bit of extra surveying, check the map for broken ways or wrong names. So far they are all from car drivers, or is this a default setting in the bug submission? Here, there is a trend to reporting bad timing and incorrect positions. I admit to leaving out speed limits on roads and will change that in future which might help, otherwise not a map problem. As for position this is an area of steep sided valleys and trees. Accuracy drops dramatically walking with a hand held, drivers don't hang around, do they watch the road? Seeing comments like this gives me confidence deleting poor submissions early. I promise not to be rude but patience will wear thin as this gets going.

Comment from SuborbitalPigeon on 27 February 2011 at 00:56

It is good however that people are leaving feedback, because any feedback is better than none. Also, it's good that OSM is being used for things like this, it can only help OSM in the long term.

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