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I decided to learn about the current state of the OpenAerialMap revival, read the docs and managed to register the bit of imagery we made during the Koluszki OSM Mapping Party in Poland last week. It's not really difficult although you need a little digging to get around the current API. Most information you need to submit your imagery is found at (Note there's currently some inconsistency in the docs in the way the term Archived Imagery is used)

Slippymap using leaflet-js:
OpenAerialMap imagery URL:
JOSM imagery URL: tms:

Note the rectification is of very bad quality, I didn't have much time to do it all correctly, and since there's no other usable imagery of Koluszki available to us, I have only used the GPS traces collected at the mapping party as the georeference. I guess it's better than nothing although it's of much lower standards than most imagery in OpenAerialMap, but it can be a good stress test too, with the high resolution in some spots. I have much more rectified kite imagery from 2011 and 2010, but it's on my crashed harddisk which is at a data recovery place right now.

Oh, right! We had a third true Mapping Party in Poland! It was more fun than expected and also a success map-wise. I think all of us are just waiting for the next mapping party. We have done a fair bit of running around / riding bikes or driving cars, with GPSes and noting things down. We had a printer brought along by User:Zbigniew_Czernik and printed OSM slogans on t-shirts. We tasted some small-town fun because the annual Koluszki Days festivities were in the same dates. We had guests! The chairman of the Wikimedia Poland local chapter was there to talk about possible cooperation with OSM Poland, and to do some mapping himself. And one high-ranked person from the Polish scouts (!) organisation came along to talk a little more about cooperation after I met with them in Warsaw before. We're going to join them at some of their summer camps to teach the younger scouts about OSM and about GPSes and even about aerial surveying with kites.

And we spent a lot of time on the second day trying to get my camera in the air under the kite, but the wind was a little weak. We even had a small emergency situation to add some adrenaline but someone took pictures of us panicking and it was too hilarious when we looked at them later. We tried again on the third day with the wind strength just right and got it up to about 500m or about 1,500ft.

Location: Wypalenisko, Koluszki, gmina Koluszki, County Lodzki, Łódzkie Voivodship, 95-042, Poland


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